PSEG Long Island Rebates for Residential EV Chargers

Last updated: January 27, 2025

One of the first questions people have when purchasing an electric car is "How am I going to charge my new car?" While New York ranks #2 in the US for the number of publicly available EV Chargers, the convenience of being able to charge your electric car at home is hard to beat. These chargers can cost quite a bit though.

Luckily, across the US, there are rebates, grants, and incentives that might be available to help reduce your overall cost for installing an EV charger in your home.

Does PSEG Long Island offer rebates for installing an EV Charger at my home?

Yes, PSEG Long Island has a rebate program that may provide an incentive if you install a charger for an electric vehicle in a residential application. The program is called "PSE&G LI Smart Charger Rebate Program."

PSEG Long Island's program is currently open with an expected end date of December 31st 2025. However, keep in mind; the program may close sooner if its budget is depleted before the deadline.

What type of EV chargers does the rebate cover?

The PSEG Long Island rebate program covers Level 2 EV chargers. A Level 2 EV charger lets you charge up your electric vehicle much around five times faster. These chargers use 240V, or the type of electrical outlet you see for an electric dryer or stovetop. They add between 12 and 60 miles to your battery each hour.

Learn more about the types of EV Chargers

JuiceBox Enel X

32-Amp, Level 2 charger. Wi-Fi enabled.

Where to buy

How much is the PSEG Long Island rebate for EV charger installation?

The PSE&G LI Smart Charger Rebate Program offers a rebate of $200 - $300 per charger. The incentive may cover up to 100% of the material cost. There are 2 different rebates that may apply.

$200 per charger. There is a limit of 2 rebates per year per residential account. Customers also have the option of purchasing directly through PSE&G Marketplace and receiving an instant discount.

$300 per charger. There is a limit of 2 rebates per year per residential account. Customers also have the option of purchasing directly through PSE&G Marketplace and receiving an instant discount. A map of disadvantaged communities on Long Island and the Rockaways can be found at

Rebate NameRebate AmountNotesLink
Residential Level 2 Chargers$200 per charger

Capped at 100% of the material cost
  • There is a limit of 2 rebates per year per residential account
  • Customers also have the option of purchasing directly through PSE&G Marketplace and receiving an instant discount.
Program Link
Residential Level 2 Chargers - DAC$300 per charger

Capped at 100% of the material cost
  • There is a limit of 2 rebates per year per residential account
  • Customers also have the option of purchasing directly through PSE&G Marketplace and receiving an instant discount
  • A map of disadvantaged communities on Long Island and the Rockaways can be found at
Program Link

How much does an EV charger cost?

Purchasing an EV charger for home-use usually costs between $300 - $1,000. On top of that, Level 2 and Level 3 chargers typically require professional installation, which can double the expense for the homeowner.

What EV chargers qualify for this rebate?

Some rebate programs will only provide rebates for specific make and models of chargers. Other programs will allow any reputable brand/model, as long as it meets the technical requirements (such as being a Level 2 charger). Make sure to read all the program documentation before making any commitment to purchasing a charger.

Here are some chargers that may qualify:


Classic Level 2 40 Amp Charger

Where to buy

Home Flex 15 to 50 Amp Charger

Where to buy

MaxiCharger 50 Amp Level 2 with Wi-fi and Bluetooth

Where to buy

Where can I learn more about the PSEG Long Island rebate for EV chargers?

You can learn all the details for PSE&G LI Smart Charger Rebate Program at the link below.

Go to PSEG Long Island's Website
JuiceBox Enel X

32-Amp, Level 2 charger. Wi-Fi enabled.

Where to buy

What other rebates or incentives might be available for installing an EV charger in my home in PSEG Long Island territory?

There is 1 other program that might apply to you. See the details below.

US Capitol Building
Federal EV Charger Tax Credit
Federal Program

You may be eligible for a tax credit for installing an EV charger at your home.

See Details

Do businesses qualify for this EV charger rebate?

Businesses, non-profits, and multi-family facilities are considered commercial accounts by many utilities. Commercial accounts have different rebate programs to use than residential accounts. Rebates4EVChargers only shows residential rebates.

Learn About Commercial Rebates

Additional information

Understanding the differences between EV charger types

Not every EV charger is the same. Learn about the differences between the EV charger types and how it can impact how quickly a car recharges.

Continue reading

Next Generation of EV Chargers Shown Off at CES

At this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES), we saw some exciting new models of home EV chargers with new features and faster charging ability.

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Disclaimer: The information above is provided as an informational resource. Rebates4EVChargers does not provide any warranties or representations as to, and will not be responsible for, the accuracy or correctness of the rebate information. Contact your rebate provider for the most current information. As an Amazon Associate, Rebates4EVChargers may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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